nie soalan dye :
bm =
bi =
sains =
total =
average =
total = bm + bi + math + sains
average = total / 4
cara nak buat coding cm nie..
step1 : go to my computer
step 2: go to local disk C
step 3: Ccick at TC
step 4 : Click BIN
step 5 :Click TC APPLICATION
step 6 : Go to new
step 7 : type data msm soalan yg kt ats ue
step 8: finish type go to compile
step 9: finish compile go to run and click
step 10: after click run you all just type any number...
for example:
ok da siap pown wt programming...mcm nie la rupenye....hehhehe
akhirnye bjye pown...kalo korang wt ade error korang kne semak alek k...
pastikan xde input yg lpe...
tq 4 miss ayunie krane mgjr saye wt nie,,,ade error ms yg btolkn...hehhehe
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