Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Chapter 4 !!!!!

urmm kali nie blaja xbpe ssh sgt far ok jewk...hehehhe
 ok mle2....
 simbol nie...
&& - and
 l l   - atau
!     - not
bnda nie kne n wajib twu dan hafal ok...

kalo ++kt dpn mknenye tros +1
kalo ++ kt blkg tmbh kmudian..

example 2:

 true and false nie refer table kt ats ue...

ok nie blaja yg len lak dlm chapter 4 ag...
 nie cth soalan..

 nie jwpn soalan atas..
nie pown refer table ats td...

nie blaja pre increment and post increment
 nie time wat exercise lak...wat nie kne be carefull k...jgn ade slh pown tw...kalo slh 1 nti sume slh
nie soalan:

  nie jwpn dye lak:
ok da siap pown wt chapter 4...nie la tutorial yg sy ley share,,,
hehhehe...harap sume phm ok

Chapter 3!!!!!!

nie soalan dye :
bm =
bi =
sains =
total =
average =
total = bm + bi + math + sains
average = total / 4

cara nak buat coding cm nie..
step1 : go to my computer

 step 2: go to local disk C
step 3: Ccick at TC
step 4 : Click BIN
step 5 :Click TC APPLICATION

 step 6 : Go to new

step 7 : type data msm soalan yg kt ats ue

step 8: finish type go to compile

step 9: finish compile go to run and click

step 10: after click run you all just type any number...
for example:

ok da siap pown wt programming...mcm nie la rupenye....hehhehe
akhirnye bjye pown...kalo korang wt ade error korang kne semak alek k...
pastikan xde input yg lpe...

tq 4 miss ayunie krane mgjr saye wt nie,,,ade error ms yg btolkn...hehhehe

Sunday, February 13, 2011

exercise chapter 1 & 2

Sample Question!!!!!!!!

Add and minus two INTEGER numbers with using the formula below:

add= num1+num2
minus= num2-num1

# include < io stream.h> #header
main ( )
// variable declaration
int num 1,num 2,add,minus ;
// input 1
Cout << " enter num 1 : " ;
Cin >> num 1 ;
// input 2
Cout << " enter num 2 : " ;
Cin >> num 2 ;
// formula 
add = num 1 + num 2 ;
// output
Cout << add = << add ;
// formula 
minus = num 2 - num 1 ;
// output
Cout << " minus = <<
minus ;
return 0 ;

abez pown wt exercise nie...pch pale jugak kite owg time siapkn bnda nie dlm kls....
tp akhrnye bjye gk...hahhaha
tq 4 eswara yg tlh memberi tnjuk ajar,,,,
n dak group FANTASTIC 4...
wpown ssh tp kite owg dpt wt plng cpt n btol sume...
wahhhh bangggeee gitu...hahahhaha

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

chapter 2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

#include <IDStream.h> //header
Main ( ) // start body
{ // Open curly braket
} // close curly braket
// comment hidden
//  1 baris coding
/ * , * / sume coding @ lbh dr 1 coding

Declare variable
Data_type              variable_name

Data type

a-z /A-Z
Tak berubah

1.     ~ Tengok formula
2.    ~Cari ade bape variable name
3.    ~Declare variable

Cout <<“----------------------” ;
Cin >>variable_name_that_had_declared;
 Rules: carefull dgn ejaan,huruf (kck & bsr)

Cout <<“----------------------”<<

sample question!!!!!!!!!!

flow chart :

#include <iostream.h>//header
Main(   ) //start body
{  // Open curly braket
//declare variable
Float area;
Float radius;
// input 1
Cout <<“enter radius”;
Cin>> radius;
area = 3.14 *radius*radius
Cout <<“answer”<<area ;
Return 0 ;
}  // close curly braket
//end baraket

* ciap pown tok chptr 2 nie...
chptr 2 nie agk kalo kite ley fhm n focus bnda nie sng jewk....hhehehe
ape yg pnting : kne wt step by step...
kalo kite da slh wt tok algoritm o pseudocode mknye kite akn slh gk wt bnda nie...
alert kt ejaan ea...jgn ade yg slh...

Monday, February 7, 2011

Chapter 1!!!!!!!!!!!

ALGORITHM – Is sequences of instruction to solve a problem…(ayt yg pngjg2)
PSEUDOCODE – Is the textual approach to illustrate an algorithm while flowchart is a graphical approach to illustrate an algorithm (ayt yg pndk)

sample question!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

example 1 :
Find the area of rectangle
Area = width * height
1.Get the width of rectangle
2.Get the height of rectangle
3.Calculate the area of rectangle with multiply width by height
4.Display the area of rectangle

1.Read width
2.Read Height
3.Set the area = width * height
4.Print output

Flow chart

example 2:
find the area of celcius
celcius = (5/9) * ( fahrenheit-32)
1.get the fahrenheit of celcius
2.calculate celcius equal to five devide by name multiply by fahrenheit minus 32
3.display the area of celcius

pseudocode: fahrenheit
2.set the celcius = (5/9) * ( fahrenheit - 32 )
3.print output

flow chart :

example 3:
find the area of fahrenheit
fahrenheit =( 9/5 *( celcius + 32 ) )

1.get the celcius of fahrenheit
2.calculate fahrenheit equal nine devide by five multiply celcius plus 32
3.display fahrenheit

pseudocode celcius
2.set the fohrenheit ( 9/5 *( celcius + 32 ) )
3.print output

Flow chart

*urmm da ciap pown tutorial chptr 1...
harap kowg phm la ye...hehhehe
yg pnting kalo algorithm ue kne tlis ayt yg pnjg2,,,
kalo pseudocode ayt yg simple jewk...